Saturday, November 13, 2010


Sometimes when the computer starts working "ridiculous", it may be a sign of injury from memory. The good news is composed in memory for computer systems are inexpensive and easy to replace.

Why have memory problems?In comparison with other components, memory computer systems have very low failure rate. There are no moving parts in it, unlike a hard drive, and is not subject to pressure from the heat of the processor or video card. However, there are a number of problems that can lead to corrupt memory

Jump in pressure can cause damage to the computer memory. Some people expect will start the stage, with sparks and smoke, but in reality it can cause damage to thin, which can take several days to show up. Even if you have Surge Protector, each of you can still "dirty" power, including electric power to pressure non-stationary. This is especially true in older buildings. Finally, dust can get into the cases and contacts out of memory.

Signs of bad memories
Try diagnosing computer problems can be uncomfortable because there are many components that can cause damage. The software, viruses or improper installation of Windows may be guilty. Denial of memory for computer systems have different symptoms that are allocated.

The famous dark blue screen of death (BSOD) is often a sign of hardware problems.
If your computer crashes with blue screen containing dark mysterious messages, it BSOD. If this happens only once it was an accident, but if it repeats itself, precisely in serious problems can be simple. spontaneous reboots or freezing systems can also specify the problems with the equipment.

The important question when it will occur.
If it occurs only for reproduction of graphics-intensive games to the computer, it may indicate a problem with the memory. BSOD restart or in other memory intensive operations, such as curriculum development, editing video or watching the big picture are also symptoms of a problem with the memory.Memory test and disposal

There are a number of utilities that can confirm the presence of memory errors, such as Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic.
In early testing of memory in use, you confirm an actual error in the memory and not in any other component. After removing all the memory modules but one, and testing each in turn, it is possible to attribute this behavior module is made of.

After confirming memory problem, replace the damaged module.
If the module is damaged, it must be replaced.

Christina O'Kelly is the author of the house of memory, a warehouse line of computer memory more than 10,000 types of memory for the computer models of all types, including Dell RAM, updating memory
HP memory and a valve.

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